Human Impacts on Ecosystems - Unit 2 Lesson 14

All Bio Classes
This post is for all Bio classes. It was posted on

This lesson is a doozy. There are 4 articles to read in the instructions section. If you are having trouble finding the articles with the EBSCOhost database, I’ve included the links below for easy access:

The last article, “New UN report warns of ‘devastating’ effects from ongoing destruction of mangrove forests”, doesn’t seem to exist on the internet anymore so we can skip that one.

Now, that is a lot to read for one lesson. But keep in mind that you have 2 days to finish this lesson.

If you do not want to read all of those articles from this lesson, please take the time to watch these 2 videos. One is from our good friend Hank at Crash Course and the other is from Kurzgesagt which has some delightful animations if I do say so myself.

-Mr. Sweeney