Unit 2 Portfolio - Biodiversity

All Bio Classes
This post is for all Bio classes. It was posted on

Note - you also have the choice to complete the alternative portfolio if you prefer.

Sorry for the title of this post yelling at you.

But, quickly, here are some very important things about the portfolio assignment in Unit 2 Lesson 12.

First, here are the materials you will need:

  • bag of skittles (or fruit candy of different colors)
  • bag of M&M’s (or chocolate candy of different colors)


If you can not get these things, that is okay! You can get creative and use legos, beads, colored pieces of paper, etc.

Next really important thing to read

This is the handout you will complete and submit! Don’t download and use the handout that is in the lesson.

Wrong Biodiversity Handout

The handout that I want you to complete has fewer questions than the one that is linked to on page 3 of Lesson 12. Yay! You’ll also notice there is a handy portfolio guide recording right at the top of the handout. Nice.

Please let your Biology teacher know if you have any questions.