Unit 2 Alternative Portfolio Option

All Bio Classes
This post is for all Bio classes. It was posted on
Unit 2 Alternative Portfolio Option

All Biology students have the chance to complete this Alternative Portfolio Option. This is here if you do not want to get skittles and M&M’s or just prefer doing this option for whatever reason.

Instead of using skittles and M&M’s, you will use an online simulation where you collect organisms from a stream.

You will simply need three things:

  1. To watch this small group LL recording where we worked on the alternative portfolio
  2. The handout for the alternative portfolio.
  3. The website with the simulation

That’s everything you need. But if you’d like more help, there will soon be more small group help sessions in the Bio LL room. Stay tuned to your planner and webmails!

Note: I’ve created a shorter video guide for this portfolio which you can watch below instead of watching the LL recording that is linked above. I apologize that the audio quality isn’t great :(